Part five (the finale!): INSIDE KNOWLEDGE!
Have you ever heard the phrase “You don’t know what you don’t know”? The intentionally redundant phrase points to the fact that you can only work with the information that you know about. Entire industries are devoted to home financing, insurance, repair/renovations/construction, as well as the marketing and sale of residential real estate. As amazing as Google and “YouTube University” are, they are hardly a substitute for the countless full-time workers that occupy these roles. Inevitably, there is something you forget to ask or do, or DON’T KNOW TO ASK that negates some or all money you’d be saving by doing it yourself.
To be sure, there are definitely people out there that do not NEED a realtor. If you’re buying or selling a nice house in an area with demand and have the time and energy AND KNOWLEDGE to put into the process, then yes, it may genuinely be in your best interest to do it alone. If you have an older home, or don’t have dozens upon dozens of hours to commit to every step, or aren’t 100% certain that you can navigate all the legalese… then its in your interest to talk to a realtor.
Really, it all comes down to preference! Some people are more comfortable handling something like selling their house than they are handing over the reins to someone else, just like there are people that want/need to try and save every last dollar when they’re selling and think doing it themselves is the way to do it. The biggest thing to remember with this business is that it is 82% referral based, so it is ABSOLUTELY in everyone’s best interest that you are completely happy at the closing. It can feel very scary, but everyone is there to help you get to the finish line!